Summer '23 Sale Happening Now!

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35% off orders of $50+ with code HEYSPRING!

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Do you ship internationally?

Due to shipping expenses, duties and carriers being very unpredictable, it's difficult to allow international check out options for shipping. With that said, if you would like to place an international order, we can do that together! I can process the order manually. Please let me know and we will go from there :)

I'm unsure what size to buy, can you help?

Absolutely! Please reach out anytime.

All products fit dependent on the brand and style. If you don't find the sizing information on the product you're interested in, please ask! I'm happy to help in any way that makes you feel confident about your purchase. We are offering free returns through 12/31/22 in case you purchase something that doesn't fit.

What is your return policy?

Merchandise must be returned within 14 days of delivery. Merchandise must not be worn, washed, dyed, or altered. Merchandise must be returned in its original condition, tags on. Merchandise that appears to be worn and/or washed and not in its original/sellable condition may result in a delayed refund/exchange, or may not qualify for a refund or exchange. In these cases, the item(s) will be returned to you. Certain items are marked as not refundable and are not eligible for returns (ie. gift cards, gifts with purchase, marked down items). For more information, please refer to our Refund Policy.